About Me

My photo
I am newly graduate of the Bournemouth Film School with a fair amount to share, be it art, inspirations, and of course film. Take a look at my website: www.stephanieoverton.co.uk Read on. Be inspired.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Friday 17 June 2011

SLO Things' photostream

StripDockFetishCompanion Pool
Crazy Glitter NightsLight NightsSetBird Talk
GrandadSquirrel Stow Away
FlockedBlacky the DonkeyTunneled Great YarmouthEarly Morning

Upadte on Flickr, Again it has been a while. With the ever end of my uni years I am now able to focus on promoting and sharing the sights I see.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Art of Stumble

As many students around the world face their exams/journals/sketchbooks there is a place on the internet where you can click and get instant pleasure. StumbleUpon. The best website invention for a long time.
It has its pro's and con's (i have found that if you tick CATS as your interest then be prepared for many many MANY cat websites......they...are....endlesssssssss!)

Pro's -
  • it informs you of new and wonderful creations that you are interested in, make sure you have covered all your interests in the click menus to get the most out of the search engine.
  • You can like or dislike web pages. This then feeds back to something and never shows the page or stuff related to it again.
  • you can spend endless amounts of time just clicking away, it flies by!
Con's -
  • At times the same website comes up.....ive said i already like you why are you showing me again????
  • the endless cat websites...i know there are cute but in the end i actually have a life *gets up and walks away from computer*
  • you can spend endless amounts of time just clicking away.
Of course there are more pros and cons but where would be the fun in listing them all! (your experience may vary) Not only does it provide you with information it is also a very good way to communicate with people. Finding random things remind you of certain people, the need to share this information with them brightens up everyones day and im telling you, there is a lot to share out there.

If you haven't already found Stumble let me welcome you to its wonder. www.stumbleupon.com

Happy Stumbling

Lamp Seek Finger Click.


Sunday 15 May 2011


I never thought it would come to this but i now have a daily magazine that i constantly and read and will to be updated so that i can read more. I follow, i link, i buy , i consume from this magazine and i still want more and more from them because i love them.

So this is a tribute to Huh Magazine that informs me of everything i need to know in every aspect of the art world. Without you i would know nothing. You take pound place in my quick link bar at the top of my browser. I salut you.

Visit and explore the site you will definitely find something relevant for you.


Lamp Seek Knowledge.


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Website wonderful

In order to promote myself I have made a website that showcases some of the films I have worked on and the photographs I have taken. It is still a work in progress but heres a sneak peek:

You like those??? well now go to the actual site: www.stephanieoverton.co.uk. Happy reading and roaming!


Tuesday 10 May 2011


It's been a while....again.......... i have no excuse really except for the every looming last EVER hand in that will mean me not being a student anymore on the 31st May.
From no until this time a small dark room shall take over my life and i shall be sound editing a fiction film, a documentary and an animation. (for those who dont know not only the image is edited, the sound also goes through an editing system as well!)

With the thought of having to be in these small windowless rooms for hours on end other things start to seem like a fun and good idea. Exhibit A. A wonderful video that not only lifts the spirit but also lets one release some energy:

......and now let this song stay with you for the rest of your day. Much Love.

Lamp Seek Dance


Sunday 24 October 2010


Its been a while and i am truly sorry, but i am back and ready to fulfill your eyes with wondrous things, and firstly just to ease everyone in i shall start with the pressing work that has been put apon me.
Well i am now in my third year of film school and for ever student this means dissertation time. I was stumped but now i am found, and i am founded with researching......... sound in animation.
Now this sounds like it could be too much fun and let me say that it is! i get to watch loads of pixar, disney, studio ghibli films all for the name of research!
To get to the point i have tonight been 'researching' disney's cinderella and might i say that not only does it remind me of my childhood but also that somethings would be far funnier and happier if:

Talking mice and birds with waistcoats and hats made fashion clothing!:

Didnt find that fun? sing along to it with a mouse voice, fun for you, your throat and who ever walks past your door.

Share the love and mouse voice.
